I believe the art of boob was, and still is, an attempt to be ‘cool’. With big influence from graffiti aesthetics and following leading brands’ ‘cool’ trends it is difficult to give any other justification. Boob hates capitalist mentality and consumer driven culture yet is still swept away with the trending tides of what is deemed currently acceptable by the youth. This perhaps leaves a feeling of disarray and contradiction. Boob works in charcoal, graphite, oils and acrylic (spray & traditional). There are also some 1s and 0s with specific interest in Adobe illustrator and CSS.
The futility of external gratification and respect always seeps through my subconscious resulting in depressive atmospheres. Despite the occasional emotional fluctuation my fascination still remains upon predominantly negative emotions and perhaps the relinquishing of them by way of straight, quick lines with elements of detail and beauty. I just want art to reflect emotion, as it has to, and maybe just creating anything is enough to do that.
Whilst remaining pragmatically atheist boob loves to dabble in religious imagery, spiritual philosophy and forces of a mystical nature. As technology progresses we further our understanding hence take away some of the world's mystique. I think art counters this. Without mystery the world would be a very dull place indeed; I don’t enjoy defining art and I don’t agree with chocolate or eggs, but I do love the tale of Jesus’s reincarnation and Easter eggs. 33.`